Monday, August 23, 2010

NY vs. The South

I consider myself a very diverse person being a military brat my entire life, traveling to different countries and living throughout the U.S. I chose to move to New York because it was one on the states that I was not familiar with, and I like experiencing new environments. When I arrived, it was nothing like I thought I would be. Coming from the South, I got comfortable with the comfortable environemnt of big space between houses, bigger highway lanes and nice people. New York was the exact opposite. Everything is cluttered and it feels like it is no room to breathe here. Eventhough, New York has its many negatives; it also has its many positives. There are a lot of events to attend. I decided to do a breakdown on the advatages and disadvantages from my personal experience of both places.

Advantages of New York
Good place to help your career in business or journalism
Easy transportation with no car
More places to hangout at
More men to date
Cleancut men
Easier place to stay fit
More stores and outlets nearby

Advantages of South
Big houses for cheap
Can get houses built
Houses look better
More space
Inexpensive living
Friendlier people
Black bond
Good place to raise kids-cheaper and more room for them to play
More blacks in executive positions
Down south Fla boy swag

Disadvantages of New York
Rude People
Bad Driving
Tight Space
A lot of walking
Constant racism on Muslims
Terroist Threats
Black women into more of superficial
Lack of Blacks in executive positions
Men that are cocky and dress plain
Women that are cocky
Houses look the same, no individual style

Disadvantages of South
Hard to get around if you don’t have a car
Racism within black race
White Racism
Not a lot of different cultures
Men that in some cities wear bright colors

The Same
Segrageted between race
Stick to local music mostly

1 comment:

  1. With the New York stuff some people say that about Houston too.
