Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Dark Skin /Light Skin and VH1 Single Lades

The new cast of VH1 Single Ladies have sparked some conversation lately. Many people wish Stacey Dash character was replaced by a darker skin woman. People say that a light skin blue eyes new cast member is typical when people think of what's beautiful. I looked at many blog comments, and I came to my own opinion on this issue. I don’t see anything wrong with people saying they want a brown skin girl/dark skin girl because black people have all different shades and people identify with people that looks like them. For people to get upset with people wanting to see a dark/brown skin girl need to get educated and read a book.

 Everyone relates to people that look like them or their is some commonality between them. It’s the same thing people do in marketing. Society does create a divide and enforce slave mentality in individuals. America has brainwashed folks and mainstream find people that don’t look similar to mainstream as unappealing. This is why it is important to constantly show the beauty of all shades of black women in society to break up the mindsets of individuals from thinking one skin tone is more attractive than another..

I understand it is annoying that we have to have this light skin/ dark skin debate all the time, but partially black people are to blame for this color divide as well. Black people are still creating this separation even after slavery has passed and civil rights activist have protested. Black people can help change this image of what beauty is if they understand what beauty is themselves.

I have had my grandma preach on my hair texture being more beautiful because it's softer and not coarse. Is this really right? I have had my mom get annoyed with seeing light skin women get praised more in the media and call all them ugly..is this really right? Black people are not only far behinf in education and economics, but we are behind still living as slaves mentally. It's time to make a change. Obama is in office. There should be no excuses with alot of the things we do.

All black is beautiful.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

TO speaking to mother of his kids on Dr Phil


Terrell Owens crying on television is nothing new anymore. It is getting quite annoying. He is not a victim. I do not feel sorry for TO. This man had over 80 million dollars in his career, and he decided to not manage his income wisely. This negative publicity on TO is only affecting his career. Where are his PR homegirls? When you are a celebrity and go on Dr. Phil, you have reached an all time low point in your life.

 He should of never had children or used protection if he could'nt afford to have kids. This upsets me when men blame women for getting pregnant. They call women 'gold diggers' for having babies by rich people. Well, I call rich people who dont want to have babies dumb for not using protection. These men knew what could happen by carrying through their sexual acts, but they chose pleasure over rationalization.

At the end of the day, I hope TO gets back on his feet. The economy is bad so he better be creative in order to make money to support his children.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

People's Magazine Most Beautiful?

I just love Regina Hall, and I think she is one of the most beautiful people in America! Her humor lately has been very likeable to the press. If you ask me, she is cuter than Halle Berry and Beyonce, which the media pushes as being the most beautiful black women.

This people magazine 'most beautiful people' such a joke. Beyonce cute but not more beautiful than alot of black celebrities or celebrities in general that get or looked at. Even Khloe Khardasian is beautiful toe. She is not fat as the media makes it seems. Just because her sisters are shorts and petite it doesnt make her fat. She is tall and athletic built, therefore she looks way bigger than them. This week Khloe was spotted with husband looking very fabulous.
Not only Khloe looked fab this week but Somaya Reese from VH1s Love and Hip Hop was spotted with a new look since her breast reduction. She has got to be the hottest latina out there. Hopefully, her music can get better and she can make hits.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Finding a Job as a Black Woman

I have been battling with the thoughts in my mind of how my appearance looks to the people that conduct my interviews. Last week, a female hispanic coworker of mine was conversing with a white female coworker about an interview that the white female coworker had coming up. My hispanic coworker complimented the coworkers new haircut and said it looked very professional. I could'nt help but pay attention to the conversation. As I sat at my desk, I had a hairstyle that was an afro, and I wondered if I told them I had an interview and decided to twist my hair, would they say it looked professional? I don't know if it was my insecurites that was getting to me.

This is when I came to the conclusion that me and my coworkers live in two totally different worlds. They had conversations everyday that I can't relate to. Their standard of beauty was blue eyes, straight hair, no thighs, and big boobs. My standard of beauty is big kinky hair and thick thighs. I knew this would be their opinion, but I thought that it would be some diversity among the mindsets of indivisuals in the 'real world.' I began thinking...How can black women be true to ourselves and have successful careers if professionalism that is defined by majority contradicts human nature?

I feel like as a black women, its very hard to decide what to look like for interviews in corporate america. From your hair to your outfit, black women can seem to be different from the rest of society. As for me, I'm a natural black female with curves. I usual wear weave to interviews, straighten my hair,or updo the fro. I avoid wearing highwaisted skirts because my body can look too curvy at times.

My friend in Georgia told me to invest in a wig, while another friend here in Texas told me that I can wear my natural hair to interviews. Both friends have natural hair. The friend in Texas goes on interviews all the time and still can't find a job in this big city houston. She can be used as a resarch example that shows wearing natural hair doesnt work for interviews. Either that or it's her resume.
After lstening to my coworkers, now im wondering if im not geting any opportunities because of my looks? I did get my current opportunity with a sewin weave, but what about the others that i interviewed with wearing an fro updo. I guess I will never know.

Think Like a Man Earns $12 million opening night!!

I'm ready for black cinema to come back. It has been difficult for black actors/actresses to make it in hollywood. Hope it changes soon!